Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Raya Aidilfitri 2007

Hi people.. hr r u guys out there.. Hws raya to all of u.. Hopefully everyone had a great time wit their loved ones.. Well, mine was ok.. My cousin got engaged on 3rd day of raya.. It was a hectic day to everyone of us.. Since she's an orphanage, so many hands, voices and opinions were heard.. But still things were not that smooth.. But it was ok..
Hopefully, next yr raya will be a better one than this yr.. Since I'll be starting wit my job next yr, I guess things should be nice next year's raya..

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hi There..

Hi people.. How r u guys.. Hope all r doing fine out here.. Well, this is my first time to blog in sites, so hopefully we can all share our thoughts together..